
Equipment Inventory List


- Review Equipment Inventory which has to go through Dealer Arrival Report (DAR)
- Review list of completed DARs


User has dealer login credentials.

Equipment inventory steps:

  1. Equipment inventory from the past 60 days is displayed. Users can search for equipment by Serial number, filter list by status or sort by Ship Date
  2. To search Equipment Inventory by Serial Number click 'Serial Number' label/button


    1. Make sure the Serial Number is typed correctly.
    2. If number is correct, notify service team that the product is missing.
    3. Confirmation that the service team has been notified:
  3. To filter by Status click 'STATUS' label and choose which status you want to see (the others will become hidden).

    NEW: DAR report has not yet been started.

    IN PROGRESS: DAR report is not yet finalized and can still be edited.

  4. To change the date range (date range goes from selected date to today's date) click 'SHIP DATE' label


  1. Use the house icon in the upper left corner to navigate back to the main app home screen at any time.


  1. From the Equipment Inventory screen, click on the 'Summary' button
  2. A chart of all Dealer arrival reports for the last 12 months will appear, broken down by status.
  3. To Navigate back to the previous screen click "Active/Archived reports" on the right side of the screen,

Filling out DAR


- Demonstrate how to provide comments & attach photos to questions
- Navigate between the sections of survey
- Submit DAR


User has successfully logged into MDC app. User has navigated to Equipment Inventory page.


  1. Select a DAR from Equipment Inventory by clicking on it. Each piece of equipment has specific set of questions associated with it.
  2. By default all questions are set to be 'Acceptable.' Click green switch to change an item to be 'Not Acceptable.'
  3. Once a question has been set to 'Not Acceptable' you will be able to:
    1. Add comments
    2. Attach images
  4. To attach an image, click 'add' button and choose if you want to attach an existing image or take a photo (if your device has that capability).
  5. Once a photo has been attached, it can be removed by clicking 'x' button in its top right corner.
  6. To add comments click on text field above the photos.
  7. To move to the next section of survey click on 'Next' button.
  8. To go to a specific section of the survey click on the corresponding section title.
  9. To finalize the report from any section, click 'FINALIZE DAR'.
  10. On 'Finalize' screen please
    1. rate initial quality of the product
    2. provide comments
    3. click 'Submit'

    Once a DAR is submitted it goes into 'DAR Archives'

DAR archives


Verify each unique type of question works properly


  1. Select an item with an engine (like Tractor, Harvester, etc) from Equipment Inventory page and click on 'Detailed Inspection'
  2. For 'Battery condition' question click switch to make it 'Not-Acceptable', then change the default voltage for 'Battery 1'. Add comments and add a photo as described in the previous section.
  3. Scroll down to 'Engine oil level' question and click on the switch to make it 'Not Acceptable'. Adjust the oil level slider to be below 'Full' mark. Attach images and add comments as described in the previous section.
  4. Scroll down to 'Starting problems' question and click the switch to make it 'Not Acceptable', then adjust the temperature to negative temperature. Attach images and add comments as described in the previous section.


  1. To access DAR Archives click on Archived Reports button
  2. Competed DARs from the past 12 months are displayed. Users can:
    1. Search list by serial number.
    2. Email a link to PDF of the completed report.
    3. Save and print a PDF of the completed report
    4. Sort by Ship Date
  3. To see the details of a completed DAR click on the desired item
  4. To navigate back to Active DARs click on the 'ACTIVE REPORTS' link

Verify filled out DAR


- Share a PDF link to filled out DAR
- Verify filled out DAR information


Submit a filled out DAR with comments and photos.


  1. Click on 'Archived Reports' button to navigate to DAR Archives from 'Equipment Inventory' screen.
  2. Identify the DAR you've submitted (by serial number or product family) in the Archives list.
    1. Tap the share icon to email a link of the completed DAR (IMPORTANT: email has to be configured to send reports).
  3. Click on the DAR you've filled out to verify that your comments and photos are present in the submitted report. Make sure to navigate to each section of the survey to verify all information looks correct.
  4. Try to edit comments or change a question's status (Acceptable/Not Acceptable) - everything should remain 'locked' (not editable).